FocusCommit’s settings

Interval config

In Pomodoro Technique, by default, the interval is 25 minutes. However, if you feel it’s too long or too short for a task, you can change it at Settings.


Small screen settings

After starting an interval, you don’t need to look at the timer all the time. Instead, open your working window then the small timer window will display like magic.

In case you don’t like the small timer window, turn it off at Settings –> Small Screen Settings

Daily notifications setting

FocusCommit will send a daily notification remind you do interval everyday. If you don’t want it appear, you can disable it here

Maximize your productivity with FocusCommit

FocusCommit is a cutting-edge productivity app that integrates a Pomodoro timer, Kanban board, and the Getting Things Done approach to help you stay productive and meet your goals

Defeat distractions, concentrate at any time

Smart Pomodoro Timer

Manage tasks On The Go

Full Integration with the GTD Methodology


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