Pomodoro timer for Harpoon

If your company is using Harpoon as your financial management tool and you want to track the time you spend on your Harpoon tasks using the Pomodoro technique , you can achieve it by following this guide:

start a pomodoro timer with Trello card

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

How to get FocusCommit API Key

  1. Click on the [Settings] menu

Get Focus Commit API Key

2. Click on the [Generate API Key] button

Generate Focus Commit API Key

3. Copy the API Key, and save it somewhere

Get Focus Commit API Key

Connect Harpoon to Focus Commit using Zapier

Now every time you add a new task in Harpoon, it will be added to Focus Commit automatically. Then you can start a Pomodoro timer as normal

Start pomodoro timer Harpoon Start pomodoro timer Harpoon

Maximize your productivity with FocusCommit

FocusCommit is a cutting-edge productivity app that integrates a Pomodoro timer, Kanban board, and the Getting Things Done approach to help you stay productive and meet your goals

Defeat distractions, concentrate at any time

Smart Pomodoro Timer

Manage tasks On The Go

Full Integration with the GTD Methodology


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