Start a Pomodoro timer with Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To Do , a tool that enables you to create to-do lists within your email, links those tasks to your calendar, and more. 

If you want to start a Pomodoro timer with Microsoft To Do, there’re 2 ways to do it in FocusCommit.

1. Import it directly

YouTube video

Click on the [Import project] button, then select Microsoft To Do

FocusCommit import Microsoft To Do

Sign in with your Microsoft To Do account to continue, don’t forget to accept permissions

Sign in Microsoft on Windows App

Now you can start a Pomodoro timer as normal

2. Import Microsoft To Do‘s tasks using Zapier

Here’s what you’ll need to get started:

How to get FocusCommit API Key

  1. Click on the [Settings] menu
Get Focus Commit API Key

2. Click on the [Generate API Key] button

Generate Focus Commit API Key

3. Copy the API Key, and save it somewhere

Get Focus Commit API Key

Connect Microsoft To Do to Focus Commit using Zapier

YouTube video

Now every time you add a new task in Microsoft To Do, it will be added to Focus Commit automatically. Then you can start a Pomodoro timer as normal

start pomodoro timer with microsoft to do

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