What Is The Best Productivity Apps For Students In 2023?

In the fast-paced world of academia, where juggling classes, assignments, extracurricular activities, and personal life can often feel like a Herculean task, staying organized and efficient is crucial. Thankfully, in the digital age 2023, many tools and applications are at your fingertips to help you streamline your college experience.

In this article, we’ll delve into the best productivity apps for students, empowering you to optimize your time, stay on top of your courseweasily achieve academic excellencellence.

8 Productivity tips tailored for college students in 2023

8 Productivity tips tailored for college students in 2023
  • Create a Detailed Schedule: Use digital tools or traditional planners to create a daily or weekly schedule. Allocate specific time blocks for classes, study sessions, assignments, and personal time. Stick to your plan as closely as possible.
  • Priorthe day’se Tasks: Identify your most sks (MITs) for the day. Focus on completing these before anything else. Prioritization helps you tackle important assignments and projects efficiently.
  • Utilize Technology Wisely: Leverage productivity apps and tools such as task managers, note-taking apps, and calendar apps to stay organized and manage your tasks effectively.
  • Practice the Pomodoro Technique: Break your study sessions into 25-minute focused intervals, followed by a 5-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer break (e.g., 15-30 minutes). This technique can help maintain concentration and prevent burnout.
  • Eliminate Distractions: Identify and eliminate or minimize distractions during study sessions. Consider using website blockers, silencing notifications, or finding a quiet place to study. Noise-cancelling headphones can also help.
  • Stay Healthy: Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Get regular exercise, maintain a balanced diet, and ensure you get enough sleep. Physical health and good rest contribute significantly to productivity.
  • Set SMART Goals: Define your goals using the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Having clear objectives will keep you motivated and help you stay on track.
  • Seek Support and Collaboration: Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Collaborate with classmates on group projects or study sessions. Join study groups or participate in campus resources such as tutoring or counseling services.

Remember that everyone’s productivity strategies may vary, so you must experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you. 

Top 27 Best Productivity Apps For Students

1. Focus Commit

Top 27 Best Productivity Apps For Students

If you are constantly having trouble focusing on your studies and don’t know how to get rid of them? Don’t worry. The Pomodoro technique solves this problem.

Focus Commit is the best Pomodoro app. Currently, it’s ranked #1 on the Microsoft Store for Pomodoro. It’s the first app that uses Pomodoro techniques and combines Kanban board and Getting Things Done to help you stay productive. So, it’s the best productivity app for students.

FocusCommit’s core function is the interval. An interval is a session lasting 25 minutes.

You don’t have to look at the timer after starting an interval constantly. Open your work window, and the small timer window will appear like magic.

Other features :

  • Integrate Microsoft To-Do with Pomodoro timer.
  • Manage your activities and organize them into tasks or subtasks
  • It’s not just a Pomodoro Timer but also a complete workflow organizer.

Download Focus Commit For Mac

Download Focus Commit For Win

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2. OneNote

OneNote allows you to create notes and organize your notes in a digital notebook. You can type or handwrite them (on a tablet), and you can also add photos, drawings, and other doodles. You can also record audio notes. Many helpfuying easy, including a search bar and color-codin, will make studying easyg options. You can use tags to mark important points or parts of the exam that you don’t understand.

Google Docs is another great tool for taking notes, especially in groups. Multiple people can access the document on their devices and add comments or messages. This is why Google Suite is an excellent option for group projects.

3. Todoist

Students must often manage classes, study, work, internships, hobbies, exercise, and personal lives. It can be overwhelming. Todoist can help students stay organized and not overwhelmed by all the assignments and tasks. You can add items, categorize them (work, personal, shopping, etc.), color code them, and set the priority level. It syncs with your email and calendar, so you don’t have to worry if you forget a task.

4. Clockify

Another application is the top of the best productivity apps for students. Clockify is an app that tracks your time. This app is for you if you want to be more productive or have ever wondered, “Where does my money go?” It will be easier to organize your time if you can see where it goes. This will allow you to determine if you’re spending too much time on unnecessary things or if your time management system is not working as well as it should. You can track your time automatically so that you don’t have interruptions in your workflow or disrupt your concentration.

Clockify offers more than just time tracking. It also has many useful features like a Pomodoro clock. Breaking down your study time into smaller chunks and taking regular breaks will help you stay sharp and focused.

5. Slides go

Slides Go offers a variety of attractive templates that will make you stand out in a presentation. You can search by color or style to find exactly what you need, regardless of the size of your project.

6. Trello


Trello, a Kanban-style application that allows you to group your tasks and assigns, is Trello. You will see what you have completed and need to do next. This is great for both individuals and a group project.

It is easy to organize assignments into groups called “To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done.”

7. Evernote

Evernote is a popular note-taking app. It is compatible with nearly every smartphone and computer and has many features. Evernote allows users to write notes on its paper-like interface or type in characters. It can capture photos and voice memos and store them in the Cloud service. The app allows multi-platform access from all of your devices.

8. iWork Suite

One of the best productivity apps for students. Apple users will find the iWork suite the most useful productivity tool for creating essays, spreadsheets, and presentations. Similar features are located in the Microsoft Office Suite. Pages allow users to create documents that can be edited, added pictures, and hyperlinked. Numbers are similar in functionality to Microsoft Excel. KeyNote is the presentation maker. iWork Suite works with the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The application is free on all new iDevices that run iOS 7, including the iPhone 5c.

9. Pocket

Pocket is an application that allows you to save web pages, articles, and videos for later viewing or reading. It is available for all major smartphones (iOS, Android) and PCs. Pocket syncs files across all devices, just like Evernote. It can save web pages and articles for offline reading.

10. Share Your Board

Share Your Board offers a straightforward solution. Take a photo of your lecture board, and the app will effortlessly convert it into a PDF format. Additionally, it allows you to annotate the PDF and add your notes for enhanced usability.

11. MyHomework Student Planner

Like the iStudiez Pro project management app, MyHomework Student Planner can be a student planner. It is your best friend in university life. You can use it to mark important dates, deadlines, and upcoming exams. You can also access the Homework section to manage your projects and assignments. And you can also encode your grades and class schedules to track your progress. It acts as a digital organizer and alerts you to your class schedules, deadlines, and other important information.

12. Notion

The notion is a note-taking app that allows you to take details, organize your thoughts, create integrated task lists, and link your content in a highly organized way. The notion is a free account for personal use and will be an excellent tool for managing your thoughts, tasks, data, and data. It can take some getting used to if you are used to a word processor. But you will soon get used to it and the keyboard shortcuts.

13. Cold Turkey

You have endless networks that you can access to get new content instantly. This only amplifies the infinite distractions offered by the World Wide Web. Facebook, here we are. Twitter. Reddit. Instagram. TikTok. There are many more. Cold Turkey will help you keep these sites away, as well as their friend’s “distracting applications” and “addicting gaming”. This simple blocker will help you stay productive in the face of temptation. You can also schedule small breaks so that you don’t wholly miss that sweet, distracting rush.

14. Habitica

It’s possible to find a more productive way of working, whether you complete simple tasks or move forward with larger projects. Habitica is an excellent tool for those who are a bit gamer or want to introduce some reward system into their lives. Habitica is a simple tool that turns your student life into an online role-playing game. You can even team up with your friends to take on your tasks.

15. ClickUp


ClickUp, for the super-users, is a fantastic service that combines everything you need under one roof. The result is not like a Subway sandwich with every ingredient. It’s great to manage all the activities that you classify as productivity. You can create to-do lists and documents, wikis, spreadsheets, and event-tracking plans. The app also allows you to send and receive emails directly. Track your time, set goals, and capture screenshots and recordings.

16. Neuro Active

Neuro App, another product by “NP App”, is a great option. It includes auxiliary games and daily training sessions to improve your brain memory.

It allows you to stay focused on your task and expands your brain’s thinking abilities, allowing you to think of many solutions to a problem.

It’s based on a clinically proven method to improve your brain abilities by 2-3%.

To better understand your progress, you can follow your progress with an artificial intelligence statistic that is updated every week.

17. GoodNotes

GoodNotes is an alternative to Apple Notes for organizing, scanning, marking up, and organizing real-world documents, and creating separate notebooks. It’s easy to manage your documents with a beautiful interface. You can also create flashcards within the app, which is helpful if you need to quiz yourself about what you have been marking up.

You also have a wide range of pen colors and types. This can help you organize your thoughts more efficiently than using a standard yellow highlighter in other apps. GoodNotes costs $8, but the app can be used on all devices. It’s a one-time purchase that you can use on every Apple platform.

18. Brain Training

Brain Training

This app contains 21 logical games that will be entertaining and help improve your attention span, memory, and concentration.

These games can be tailored to increase your thinking abilities and improve your logical reasoning. You can also challenge your friends and play with random opponents worldwide.

19. Google Calendar

Although there are many calendar apps available, Google Calendar is the best. It is a free app, works on all devices, and is excellent for individuals and teams. You can manage tasks on multiple calendars with color-coding and creating quick reminders for different events.

20. SavvyCal

SavvyCal is an excellent alternative to the Google Calendar app. It allows you to schedule many meetings at once. SavvyCal will enable you to easily share your availability and determine the best time to meet.

SavvyCal doesn’t work as a standalone app. It integrates with your existing calendar apps.

21. Scrivener

Scrivener is the best app for serious writing. It is packed with features designed for long-form writers.

You can focus on particular sections and have a digital “corkboard” to play with arranging chapters/scenes.

22. Lumosity

Scientists have played an essential role in developing tasks that improve cognitive abilities. Lumosity took these tasks and turned them into 50+ mental games. These games are specifically designed to train your brain in all things cognitive!

They boast of a collaboration of over 100 scientists who actively participate in designing these brain training tools. This is something you’d want to use, isn’t it? The app is supported by scientific research!

23. Grammarly


Grammarly is the best tool to check your spelling and grammar. The app automatically detects spelling and grammar errors when using it as a browser extension.

Grammarly can ensure that your writing is perfect, whether writing an email or in Google Docs. All of this is free!

24. Block App

True to its name, Block App blocks certain apps for a specified period and helps prevent procrastination.

You can create schedules that allow you to select a time frame within which certain apps can be blocked. Programs are created automatically and prevent access to blocked apps. This will enable you to get work done quickly without distractions. Notifications about functional blocks are sent to you to know the current status of each app.

25. Freedom

It is a cross-platform application that blocks any distracting websites and apps. Freedom will block any websites or apps you have blocked. The app will prevent you from accessing those sites and apps until you turn them off.

Freedom can be set to block certain apps at specific times per day. This is great if you have established work hours or study hours. Freedom also has a locked mode that will prevent you from disabling the app until it is finished.

26. Forest

Forest is an app that will help you stay focused if your phone distracts you. It is available for iOS and Android. It uses gamification to keep you from reaching for your phone.


The app will automatically plant a virtual tree once you turn it on. The tree will grow as long as your phone is not touched. The tree will be killed if your phone is connected before the timer expires.

You’ll see your progress in the “forest” you create over time.

27. Microsoft To Do

Waterloo students have free version access to all Microsoft 365 apps. Microsoft To Do List app allows you to start your day with a clear view of the tasks you must complete across all your devices.

This app will help college students balance school, club, and daily tasks. You can add subtasks to any job that requires multiple steps. Once you are done, check it off.

Read also some remote workers’ tools.

In conclusion, the best productivity apps for students have evolved to meet the diverse demands of our educational and personal lives, offering a digital arsenal to help us excel in our studies while maintaining a balanced lifestyle. With the right apps in your toolkit, you’ll be better equipped to tackle challenges, maximize productivity, and achieve your academic goals.

Maximize your productivity with FocusCommit

FocusCommit is a cutting-edge productivity app that integrates a Pomodoro timer, Kanban board, and the Getting Things Done approach to help you stay productive and meet your goals

Defeat distractions, concentrate at any time

Smart Pomodoro Timer

Manage tasks On The Go

Full Integration with the GTD Methodology


Use this coupon to get 50% off for the first year

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Monica Nguyen

Meet the mind behind our productivity insights—a finance professional who has mastered the art of efficiency in the fast-paced corporate world. Harnessing a variety of productivity methods, she has not only excelled in her roles at major multinational corporations but also coached her colleagues on achieving peak performance. She brings to our blog a wealth of experience in applying disciplined focus and organizational skills to both her work and teachings, ensuring that our readers receive practical and effective strategies to enhance their daily productivity.