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What should we do in a Pomodoro short break and a long break?

Pomodoro Break Ideas For Short And Long Break In 2023

Are you looking for some ideas on how to make the most of your Pomodoro breaks? Whether you need a short break or a longer break, we’ve got you covered. Check out these great ideas! What is the Pomodoro Technique? Pomodoro Technique is a time management method invented by software developer and entrepreneur Francesco Cirillo … Read more
Do the 5 minutes break flow state?

Do The 5 Minutes Break Flow State?

Do The 5 Minutes Break Flow State? There is a lot of talk about the 5-minute break flow state. Does it actually exist? Some people seem to think so, and there are even apps designed to help you achieve it. But does this short burst of productivity actually work, or is it just a myth? … Read more
3 Pomodoro Mistakes to Prevent (and How to Fix Them)

3 Pomodoro Mistakes to Prevent (and How to Fix Them)

In order to be productive, it’s important to use time management techniques like the Pomodoro technique. However, there are a few mistakes that can prevent you from getting the most out of this time management technique. In this article, Focuscommit will discuss three of the most common Pomodoro mistakes and how to avoid them. The … Read more

How a freelancer spend time in the short break in the Pomodoro technique?

Hello! What’s your background, and what are you working on? I am a Computer Technician, Telecommunications Technician, Bachelor of Science & Technology, Information Engineer, Master and Bachelor of Computer Science. I have over 20 years of experience in the IT area, working with support and consulting to technology products and services in small, medium and … Read more

How the Pomodoro Technique helps a video producer

Hello! What’s your background, and what are you working on? I am a freelance Video producer. I’m produce, shoot, and edit. I’m currently working on an online education resources for educatiors. The project is part of a lab at MIT. How does this technique boost your productivity? Love it. Even thought I work freelance – … Read more
Pomodoro Technique For ADHD Student: Effectiveness and Usage In 2022

Pomodoro Technique For ADHD Student: Effectiveness and Usage In 2023

Read our following article to learn more about the benefits of the Pomodoro Technique For ADHD Students and how to use it effectively. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy that can be used by students with ADHD to improve focus and productivity. The technique involves breaking down work into 25-minute intervals, with five-minute … Read more
How To Use Kanban Board To Visualize Your To Do List? Tips New 2022

How To Use Kanban Board To Visualize Your To Do List? Tips New 2023

How to use Kanban Board? Kanban Board is a great way to visualize your to-do list. You can use it to track your progress and keep yourself organized, ensure that you are completing tasks on time. According to the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 Rule, only 20% of the action produces 80% of the results. … Read more
Pomodoro technique: Step-to-step guide to overcome your procrastination

Pomodoro technique: Step-to-step guide to overcome your procrastination

orking productively, staying focused, and time management does not an issue for you, especially if you work as a freelancer. Have you ever used the Pomodoro technique at work? What is the real story behind this technique? What exactly is the Pomodoro technique? Francesco Cirillo, a software developer and entrepreneur, invented the Pomodoro Technique in … Read more

Productivity method

How to Organize Your Life with Productivity Apps

How To Organize Your Life With Productivity Apps

Are you always putting things off, having trouble keeping up with your daily chores, an feeling like you can’t handle the chaos around you?  Don’t worry, you aren’t the only one. Life can get very busy, but there are great tools called work apps that can help you get back in charge.  In this piece, … Read more

How to Plan Your Day: A Comprehensive Guide

As our lives are getting busier, we often find ourselves struggling to manage our time efficiently. We have so much on our plates – work, family, friends, hobbies, and other commitments. The list never seems to end. It’s no wonder that most people find it hard to plan their day and stick to a schedule. … Read more
Unlock Your Productivity: The Best GTD App to Get Things Done

Unlock Your Productivity: The Best GTD Apps to Get Things Done

In today’s fast-paced world, staying organized and efficient is essential. The Getting Things Done (GTD) method has become a popular personal and professional task management approach. Choosing the right app is crucial to harness the power of GTD fully. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best GTD app, each offering unique features and … Read more

Product guide

How FocusCommit works

How FocusCommit works

If you’ve watched the video (and we highly recommend it!), you’ve learned that there are three main steps to FocusCommit.        2. Start an interval What is an interval? The core function of FocusCommit is an interval. Interval is a session of 25 minutes. In the interval, you focus on a single task. Now don’t … Read more
Start a Pomodoro timer with Microsoft To Do

Start a Pomodoro timer with Microsoft To Do

Microsoft To Do , a tool that enables you to create to-do lists within your email, links those tasks to your calendar, and more.  If you want to start a Pomodoro timer with Microsoft To Do, there’re 2 ways to do it in FocusCommit. 1. Import it directly Click on the [Import project] button, then … Read more
Start a Pomodoro timer with Google Tasks

Start a Pomodoro timer with Google Tasks

Google Tasks, a tool that enables you to create to-do lists within your email, links those tasks to your calendar, and more.  If you want to start a Pomodoro timer with Google Tasks, there’re 2 ways to do it in FocusCommit. Click on the [Import project] button, then select Google Tasks Don’t forget to check … Read more