How the Pomodoro Technique helps a video producer

Hello! What’s your background, and what are you working on? I am a freelance Video producer. I’m produce, shoot, and edit. I’m currently working on an online education resources for educatiors. The project is part of a lab at MIT. How does this technique boost your productivity? Love it. Even thought I work freelance – … Read more

Pomodoro Technique For ADHD Student: Effectiveness and Usage In 2023

Pomodoro Technique For ADHD Student: Effectiveness and Usage In 2022

Read our following article to learn more about the benefits of the Pomodoro Technique For ADHD Students and how to use it effectively. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy that can be used by students with ADHD to improve focus and productivity. The technique involves breaking down work into 25-minute intervals, with five-minute … Read more

Pomodoro technique: Step-to-step guide to overcome your procrastination

Pomodoro technique: Step-to-step guide to overcome your procrastination

orking productively, staying focused, and time management does not an issue for you, especially if you work as a freelancer. Have you ever used the Pomodoro technique at work? What is the real story behind this technique? What exactly is the Pomodoro technique? Francesco Cirillo, a software developer and entrepreneur, invented the Pomodoro Technique in … Read more